We do not update this much. I am going to try and change that with at the very least weekly updates. We have a fair bit going on in the next few months so I will get into laying down what is and what is going to be happening.
We have a few shows coming up in June.
June 18th at the levee with Monsterbaitor and some other bands.
June 26th at Distortion with Mopey Mumble Mouse and some other bands.
We are also playing some shows out of town this August and recording a new record. We are recording in Toronto and playing dates before the recording. Here are those dates:
August 18th - Kingston, ON (we could use help on this one)
August 19th - Montreal, PQ w/ Ensorcelor, Mountanaka
August 20th - Ottawa, ON @ a house w/ Mountanaka
August 21st - Missaussaga, ON @ Marcello's
August 22nd - Toronto, ON @ Smiling Buddha
August 23rd-25th - recording
We will be recording the new material that we have been playing recently. So there it is, hopefully I can keep up with my self-imposed weekly update schedule.
take it easy.