Monday, July 5, 2010

Demo recording

So we are done with shows for a bit. Just finished playing 3 weeks in a row. That has not happened in a while. All the shows were fun and we played with some pretty cool local bands that we hadn't seen or played with...ever or in a long time. One that really stood out was Monsterbater, in which our bassist, Stefan, plays keyboards. They are rad. You should see them if you are in the St john's area.

We may be playing a couple shows near the end of July but nothing is confirmed, so until it is, there will be no info about them. Also our mini-pre-recording-tour is all booked and we will be posting all the info for those shows soonish.

We are recording a demo our new album "Miasma" this week. We are jazzed about finally hearing what it all sounds like together. We will let you know how it goes and maybe post some of it on our myspace.

Until the next update.